was made for maximum control and smoothness, not giving a inch to 'maleness'. I groaned, "Doesn't it hurt?"

"At first," Victor said. "I had to lay very still for twenty minutes, before the doctor said that we were finished. When I got up, I felt dizzy and a bit apprehensive expecting pain. To my surprise there was only a 'crowded' feeling with soon went away. The doctor is an expert and has done this many times. The only problem is that there might be some atrophy from disuse if I don't occasionally remove it.'


Donna cut in, "Dr. Johns says that his method helps men who are dressing like women to feel more comfortable because they never see their maleness. I've made Victor promise that he'll wear it continuously for a while...the doctor says that before long 'he' will be so small that he will be formed that way and won't even have to wear it very often to stay 'feminine'.


I broke in by asking "Won't wearing that device ruin your sex life...I mean if 'it' shrinks, how will the two of you...you know, 'make it"?"

"Oh," Donna stated matter-of-factly, "We're not going to do that for a while. I get off seeing Victor become more feminine each day, and he doesn't mind the lack of sex in our relationship. We mustn't ever allow his masculinity to surface. If he's going to do this, he must always stay in the female role. He must be completely feminine in feelings and desires, as well as in looks. Ask him how he feels."

Victor replied, "I feel pretty. . .I'm still am a man, of course. But for now I'm really trying not to get discovered with all my heart and soul. I enjoy wearing dresses and having my own long hair. I sort of like it that I'm developing breasts, hips and girlish thighs. I sure wish though, that you two would give up."

I was in shock. This had to be a trick. . .a dirty trick to make me give up. This was all just an farce. A big joke. I glared at Tana when she asked me, “Jerry, maybe we should get you one of those DiVert garments?"

I shook my head.

Donna told Victor to take me to their bedroom and show me his new dresses. Donna wanted to talk to Tana alone. I kept saying to myself, "This had to be a maneuver to get us to concede. I was sure Tana knew what to do.

Victor showed me some of his new dresses while I sat on the bed. I watched as my old buddy pranced around holding


"This had to be a joke. Victor wouldn't want a chest like a girl.'



dress after dress up to his waist. Each dress had a story attached; where they had bought it, how it felt and the first wearing. Victor was talking to me like I was another girl.

I watched Victor in his tight dress. He wore sheer nylons and 3 inch heels and was totally comfortable and at home in these clothes. "Com' on, are you really taking female hormones?" I asked.

Victor giggled, "Want'a see?" I nodded, unsure if he was just kidding or what I would see.

Victor opened the front of his dress and unsnapped the front clasp of his lacy padded bra said almost apologetically, "They aren't very big yet, but they are very sensitive."

I looked and was shocked to see Victor's developing girlish chest. Victor moved closer and I touched the pronounced soft peaks. They looked like a thirteen year old girl's breasts, which pointed outward and had dark pink nipples that looked bloated. I ran my finger over the tip. It felt like there was a small marble under the nipple.

Victor's reaction was immediate, “Ouch. They're so sensitive that anything annoys them. My doctor says that the irritation will go away and they will continue to grow until